Sunday, September 30, 2007

Semeir Encryption


I have currently been working on a cipher for many years, on and off. It currently holds many options and a very large strength in it's encryption as well as random number generation properties that are probably ahead of it's time.

I'm not quite ready to boast it's 'the last cipher you ever need', but it does offer many options not avaliable in current ciphers. You can use it for your email, pictures and videos, Multi layered Chat rooms, buisness transations, secure data, Generate random numbers for just about anything.

I've tested the RNG with Diehard, and was unable to test with Diehard2 (due to minor problems, i will figure those out soon). In my personal tests, it has the largest set of Psudo-RNG numbers you can input, as well as for keysize. RNG tests suggest (but not fully tested) show it going into 2^65540 bytes of random data from a single stream, and each stream can be expanded to exceed that value very easily, without having to re-seed it.

Other options, it includes common and uncommon blocksizes, OTP (One time pad), Streaming, and a MD5 like Hashing function using encryption generate unique 64-?? bit Hexidecimal hashes for comparing.

I will leave it at that for now, and i await any and all interest in the current project.

Era Scarecrow