They've also claimed that declaring i'm using a OTP (One Time Pad) or claiming i have one is bad practice and misleading. It's true it's not a true One Time Pad, (working on pencil and paper with a true list of random data) But nothing is truly random anyways. If you consider that a One Time Pad uses a random stream of data for it's security; that's exactly what my OTP functions do, they double as multiple parallel RNG's if you want them that way. <- PRNG tests with Diehard, 1Gig
Next bits of data come from this, /apps/misc_tests/otp.c uses a 9 blocksize by default and it's number of returns before a repeat is:
9 - 10,625,324,586,456,701,730,816 Ints (38,654,705,664 -TeraBytes)
I Used a 4Gig random data block; the results are pretty astounding.
1's 17,179,831,574 - 49.999890540493652224540710449219Currently, it will take a couple years before the code is accepted, and tests proving it's worth using. There are so many advantages in it already, however slower and using more resources than other ciphers, it still does quite well.
0's 17,179,906,794 - 50.000109459506347775459289550781
(50% within 1/10000th for being 1:2508.253 the size of the full length)
However that doesn't stop you from trying it out and using it as a 'Experimental alternative'. If you feel it's not secure enough for you, that's ok.