Monday, December 3, 2007

Strong Cipher thoughts

Over the years, since i originally started, the cipher that i began with started with something incredibly simple, yet with obvious patterns, i began to break down it's structure and add elements that can't be figured out without intimate knowlage of the current key.

Example. Any symbol replacement which is done, on a 1-for-1 character replacing, assuming it's text, can be broken by means of frequency analysis, saying that a,e, and t are far more common than x and z. By using a similar counting method, used in compression, you simply take the weights, and then switch them in the same order, or replace them with same weights as the frequency suggests. Then Obvious words, and some incorrect words will appear, but since the majority of the key is broken, it is easy to simply fix the words by replacing the letters that are wrong, and find the correct leftover frequency, leaving the whole original text intact.

First, for the cipher to be secure, it must involve sizes larger than 1 byte (8bits). When i say that, for example, the encryption can happen at 8bits, but must not be fixed, rather can change or has it's own little algorythmn that changes as it goes.

Two, Cipher Feedback. This i have noticed is a must. What cipher Feedback is, it will take the original unencrypted text, and use it according to a table, or something else, and then encrypt the next character or set. Then that character is encrypted normally, but it's original is noted before cipher feedback takes place, leaving 2 levels of complexity that won't easily be solved.

Three, Overlapping. I have tried and successfully implimented this in semeir, where it starts in one place, and encrypts 90% new, and 10% overlap, and does so over the whole part, even the original beginning. Example

1111 - text
xxx1 - x notes the working encryption area

It might indeed go through an additional layer on the original encrypting area, just to be safe. Depending on the size of the variable, assuming 16bit chunks, and say a 48bit area (6 bytes) 2 new chunks are encrypted, and 1 chunk is overlapped, leaving 2^16 for an exact unencrypted carryover.

Finally. Levels. I've incorporated a multiple level algorythmn that builds itself according to the needs, and go anywhere from 2 levels, up to 511 levels. The more levels means the slower the algorythmn, but each level is a key, and the extreame overlapping would cause a far larger encryption key than can ever be made by a normal human.

Example: Using any sort of common block encryption, and say you have 16 levels, randomly generated keys by means of a special key. The key can be any size, but the final result is in the area of 128^16 = 2^24 bits of encryption strength, and only for 16 levels. (i believe this is correct, but i will re-check it later). The ending result is a far stronger encryption, that has too many levels to break with brute force, since the result could be anything.

One could also do an experimental algorythmn, which follows similar lines. It would rotate the data x number of elements and encrypt the block using a new keyset, creating a larger blocksize than it's original blocksize, and then reverse the whole set to get the original texts, although it is quite a bit slower.


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