Wednesday, March 5, 2008

OTP (One Time Pad) Improved!

I've done some major improvement on the program, and have a working windows GUI using AutoHotKeys. I may go away from this eventually, but i see no reason just yet.

A little history. Originally, the OTP was a simple RNG you could have multiple streams with and working. However it only returned 3Billion ints, and you could only seed it once.

New version, still in testing stages but has no problems so far, you can seed it as many ints as it's blocksize will let, and of course, the returnable INT's before it repeats or starts over is as this list shows.

Note, i am not sure if Decabyte is right, but it's the term i'm using.

k 2^10 (1024)
Mb 2^20 (1,048,576)
Gb 2^30 (1,073,741,824)
Tb 2^40 (1,099,511,627,776)
Pb 2^50 (1,125,899,906,842,624)

1 - 32 (256 bytes)
2 - 32,768 (32k)
3 - 12,582,912 (49,512k)
4 - 4,294,967,296 (16,384Mb)
5 - 1,374,389,534,720 (5,120 - Gigabytes)
6 - 422,212,465,065,984 (1,572,864 -Gigabytes)
7 - 126,100,789,566,373,888 (458,752 -Terabytes)
8 - 36,893,488,147,419,103,232 (134,217,728 -TeraBytes)
9 - 10,625,324,586,456,701,730,816 (38,654,705,664 -TeraBytes)
10 - 3,022,314,549,036,572,936,765,440 (10,995,116,277,760 -TeraBytes)
11 - 851,083,777,008,698,938,993,147,904 (3,023,656,976,384 -Petabytes)
12 - 237,684,487,542,793,012,780,631,851,008 (70,368,744,177,664 -Petabytes)
13 - 65,917,831,211,867,928,877,828,566,679,552 (234,187,180,623,265,792 -Petabytes)

These are figured characteristics, usually the returns are using 2xored returns, so it's half the values, but still more than enough for any normal message, probably enough to use on your drive to randomize it before you put a encrypted FS on it.

I will have more later.


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