Thursday, June 4, 2009

Semeir from scratch

It is truly amazing how much one can learn over a period of time, as well as how much your style of coding changes.

After hard and careful consideration and trying to keep code from the old project, I have decided to start completely over from scratch. Looking carefully at my goals, I've re-thought and redone the API for the library, and I'm happy to say it's a lot smaller and simpler.

  • Simple Cipher: The new public API will only have about 7 functions. The encryption also only has about 4 rules/steps to follow.

  • Documented & Tested: Following the advice of 'clean code' I'm writing documentation before working on the code. Test code will be written to test the code, and failure behavior.

  • Less Memory: Key data for a Standard key can be as small 1k, or as large (estimated max) as a 128k.

  • Cipher & PRNG: Build what we are working for, and not everything.

Depending on how busy I get, I foresee this being done by the end of the year, or earlier. I just hope this newer version is accepted more by the community than my previous one.

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