Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Compression #3

A few ideas have come up as of late, a few ideas i thought were pretty good and am currently working on, but haven't been perfected.

First, is using the previously mentioned multiplication to add together several values hidden inside a number, and by using the appropriate divisor and getting it's remainder, you can rebuild the original data. In this way, you could in the 1-8 combinations, store the data in 15.7 bits, instead of 18-24 bits.

The first idea, involves using the above mentioned, and getting appropriate data. I'm still fiddling with it so i will de-classify it as i go. I have a 1-4 matches (2bits) and then can rebuild accordingly, with the next few bits for which matches we are working with. When a match is made, we only need to reference the internal match, therefore saving a lot of space. Example.

1 unique, 2 long (4 * 8) : 0,0
2 unique, 3 long (4*28*2*2) : 1,2,2
3 unique, 4 long (4*56*3*2*3) 5,4,3,4
4 unique, 4 long (4*70*4*3*2) 1,2,3,4

All levels offer some compression, except the fourth one, which takes up about 12.7 bits, and it's source is 12 bits. (I will give exact bit details and how i get the 8,28,56,70 numbers later)

I'm also testing with two current ideas. The first is +1, which goes something like this. Let's say i'm working with 3bits (8), so the multiplier is always +1 larger on all of them. The reason for this, is the final nth is a breakout protocol, and then afterwards is a number telling me what the repeat is. So if the example goes 1,2,5,4,3,2, this covers 3*6=18bits. The max number, is then 9*8*7*6*5*4*6 362880 (58980h) which is about 19 something bits. Obviously we can't get compression, but if the match was one larger, it would be equal or smaller in size, and then can be saved.

In order to save more bits, a very powerful large infinate int library would do well (i have a homemade one, which is working)

I will say more when i have more to say.


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