Thursday, November 1, 2007

Compression #3 - Continued

Further with compression i've attempted, and although theoretically will work in certain situations, won't guarentee endless compression as of yet. But i'm working on it.

1) High Low. Ever played the gambling game where you flip a card up, and you guess if the next card is high or low? Well, using this compression type has some limited success.

You need a previous history of your last value, and compare it against your next value. The odds are in your favor it's in the more likely in the larger area. But when it fails you refer to a fallback value, and re-encode the correct value using the smaller value. so.. Using very large INT's.

Tends to make 8bits to 9.5, 4bits gets to 8.8 bits? but not worth it.

2) Attempted, encoding X of unique values in a row, and specify a failure (non unique), which we then encode from our list. There are of course success on all levels, EXCEPT the highest level. Using this knowlage we can then encode using a lesser form of 1bits (combinations of a certain number of 1's on, example is 2 on's in a 8bit area is 28).

There are problems.

Problem 1) Can only go to 5 on a 8bit, and 6 on 16bit. Higher values, equal less compression.
Problem 2) highest value doesn't guarentee a repeat or failure, so our last value can't get compression for a smaller bitvalue.

Tried a straight 2different 3bit unique bytetype, which works. 8 x 7 = 56 of 64. (or 28, *2*1) However, there's the problem and chance of 1 in 8 that they are identicle. The failure rate or references (3-5bits) for successful non-matches in a row nearly negate any worth of value. IF it's every 8 (on average) then the 3bits cover itself, if larger or in smaller than 8, the bitsizes are lost on big math and it isn't worth it.

I've also tested using a 2level compression for bit sizes, and getting counts on types. However it's not yet successful, but not finnished testing either.


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